A Year in Review

2021! What a year!

I am not going to lie 2021 has been crazy! I thought I would do a little portfolio highlight to mark the turn of the year! I look back on these photos and see truly how 2021 has pushed me creatively and professionally.

I want to give a special thank you to my Orcas Island family and friends, acquaintances and all those who mention my name to people looking for photography. If you are in Eastsound please stop by Roots Orcas Island on the corder of North Beach Road and Main Street in the heart of town. If you have worked with me at all and feel drawn to post a review, here is the link! google review here!

I could ramble on and on about how much I love my home of Orcas Island and the people who are drawn here, either for their own healing, to farm, work for the summer, to get married, to move and raise a family, or retire. This community truly supports each other and it shows. Sending you all my love this holiday season, and no matter who you are, or how little or much you know me… GO GET SOME COFFEE!

Have a Drink on Me

Here is my crazy, darling, just-out-of-bed family. Go stop by Roots and get a drink on me!